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Get your company to sponsor your Winter Soirée experience!
Dear (Insert Manager/ Company)
The Urban League of Central Carolinas Young Professionals is a volunteer auxiliary of the Urban League of Central Carolinas affiliate. The ULCCYP is a training ground for young professionals’ ages 21-40 committed to supporting the Urban League movement through volunteerism, philanthropy and membership development.
Our goal at The Urban League of Central Carolinas Young Professionals is to continue enlisting committed young professionals that are willing to give of their time, energy and resources to create change in our community. We realize that individual success is meaningless without the commitment to improve our collective community.
The ULCCYP is hosting the Winter Soirée: Royal Masquerade on January 28, 2023 in Charlotte, NC. The purpose of this fundraiser is to raise funds to benefit and empower those in the local community to reach financial stability and social justice in a global economy through education, training, placement, and entrepreneurship. These funds allow the Urban League of Central Carolinas to provide a range of programs that will help those in need of education, skills training, career development, employment services, and youth programs.As a member of the ULCCYP I am engaged and energized about the opportunity to experience this event and I am requesting sponsorship of my conference registration.
Early Bird Ticket - $70.00
General Ticket - $ 90.00
VIP Ticket - $125.00
By investing in this professional development opportunity, you are supporting my career growth, goals, leadership journey, as well as a diverse workforce.
I look forward to discussing this opportunity further with you.
Yours in the Movement,
Member Name